Our Service
You will find everything you need to follow the Sunday liturgy in the service bulletin offered by the ushers.
The hymn numbers in the bulletin refer to the Hymnal that’s in each pew.
Our Sunday liturgy usually follows Rite II in the Book of Common Prayer. Each service includes prayers, readings from the Old Testament and New Testament, a psalm and a sermon by the priest.
We recite the Nicene Creed and offer prayers, confess our sins and greet one another as we “pass the peace.”
The hymn numbers in the bulletin refer to the Hymnal that’s in each pew.
Our Sunday liturgy usually follows Rite II in the Book of Common Prayer. Each service includes prayers, readings from the Old Testament and New Testament, a psalm and a sermon by the priest.
We recite the Nicene Creed and offer prayers, confess our sins and greet one another as we “pass the peace.”
The second part of the liturgy is the communion.
At Grace Church, we believe it is the communion of all, so all are welcome to come forward and receive the bread and wine. If you do not wish to receive communion, you are welcome to come forward and receive a blessing from the priest — just cross your arms in front of your chest. If you are unable to come to the altar, please tell an usher so we can bring communion to you in the pew. The priest will place the bread in your hand. In receiving the wine, you can either drink from the chalice or dip the bread into the chalice.
At Grace Church, we believe it is the communion of all, so all are welcome to come forward and receive the bread and wine. If you do not wish to receive communion, you are welcome to come forward and receive a blessing from the priest — just cross your arms in front of your chest. If you are unable to come to the altar, please tell an usher so we can bring communion to you in the pew. The priest will place the bread in your hand. In receiving the wine, you can either drink from the chalice or dip the bread into the chalice.
Children are very welcomed in our church. We have multiple options for your child.
During the school year children ages 5 to 13 can attend Mini Messy Church (our Sunday School) during the 11 o'clock service. You can learn more about this program by clicking here. During the summer there is no Mini Messy Church and children attend services with their parents.
During the school year children ages 5 to 13 can attend Mini Messy Church (our Sunday School) during the 11 o'clock service. You can learn more about this program by clicking here. During the summer there is no Mini Messy Church and children attend services with their parents.
Nursery is provided throughout the year during our 11AM Fall & Winter Services and our 10AM summer services.
Children may attend worship with their parents. Worship bags and children's bulletins are provided as you enter the service.
Adults sometimes wonder why little children are brought to church… but bringing children into church is a little like inviting them to eat with us at the dinner table. Even when children’s manners are far from polished, it is our hope that, given time and exposure, they will eventually become comfortable participating in our rituals in their own meaningful ways. In the meantime, children are still an integral part of our church family and so they belong here with us. |
Children giggle, poke, squirm and swing their legs simply because they are children. But they can also learn to sing, pray and listen as they are able. They absorb so much more than we can imagine! We have a brochure written for all adults in hopes that we will learn to welcome, accept and value the presence of children, even if it is sometimes manifested by some restlessness during worship which can be downloaded here!
As children worship along with us, they are also learning:
Participate in Worship
There are several opportunities at Grace to become a part of the worship experience. Meaningful worship requires the coordination of many groups to work together. Consider stepping out from behind the pew and taking part in the activities of one of the groups below.
Each month, the Church Administrator publishes a schedule with assignments for the month for Acolytes, Altar Guild, Chalists, Readers, and Ushers. For Service Schedules, please see the Weekly Messenger!
Please click on each for more information.